Mar. 15, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep Spring from coming.  ~ Pablo Neruda

There is Something innately and permanently alive within each of us, always ready to be awakened to the Divine Presence that created us out of Its very Life.  No matter what challenging experiences a person may have faced, despite any injustice, damage, or deprivation, and regardless of beliefs to the contrary, this Life must manifest.  Like the grass in the crack of the sidewalk, “it will out!”

You and I are continuously growing in awareness of the divinity that is our reality, forever awakening to our Authentic Self, which is a unique and beautiful individualized expression of God’s Life.  Whatever human lack, loss, or limitation we may have experienced, it is the Truth of our Divine Nature that ultimately reveals itself on our spiritual, evolutionary journey.

From this personal awakening comes the ability to connect consciously with other caring, compassionate, creative people to bring forth the Love, Peace, and Wisdom that may have been hiding in humanity.  As we seek to perceive the Reality of Spirit beyond the inappropriate behaviors, the invitation becomes impossible to refuse, and limited or negatively focused people begin to remember Who and Whose they are.

You are invited to join us on-line each Sunday morning on, as we live stream our Celebration to you via YouTube and Facebook. We begin at 10:30 A.M. DST from The Inspiration Café, our temporary office at 360 N. Valley Rd., Paoli, PA 19301. As you go to our website, you will find welcoming music, prayer, uplifting messages, and a wonderful connection with Spirit and with each other.  Inviting your friends to join us on Sundays or to visit our website and view archived Celebrations and our Love Notes is possible at any time.  We continue our March theme, “Awaken, Thou That Sleepest,” and Rev. Mike will be offering his uplifting talk about “Green and Growing” this Sunday.

For any human condition you may be experiencing, there is always a spiritual solution, and our Practitioners are trained with spiritual tools to work with you in any area of your life that you are ready to transform. You will find our Practitioners and Intern on the Practitioner Page of our website. Get to know them and work with whomever you select to enhance your life experience.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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