A dream is the bearer of a new possibility, the enlarged horizon, the great hope. ~ Howard Thurman
When we dwell in the realm of infinite possibilities, we are no longer bound by human thought barriers; rather, we become bearers of expanded visions of eternity. As radiant instruments of Divine Ideas, we are free to work personally and communally to develop what has never before been experienced. The great gift of imagination is the key that unlocks every door of delay and removes any remnant of resistance.
We know that conceiving of a new idea and believing in it with fully-functional faith is the starting point to all creation, and we are designed to be those co-creators of the better world that is ready to be born and experienced. Leaving the problems of the past and moving courageously into an inspired future requires an entirely new mindset, and we are the new Possibilitarians, equipped with the Divine Wisdom and Infinite Inspiration to bring a little more heaven to earth each day.
The continued, laser-like focus on a World That Works for All must ultimately accomplish greater unity, compassion, prosperity, and wholeness for all sentient beings and for the planet itself. Let’s keep our consciousness in the realm of ever-increasing possibility of a new world dream coming true.
Join us each Sunday for our live- streamed Celebrations, as we begin a new theme for the month of March: “Open to Possibilities.” Tune in just before 10:30 A.M. EST, by clicking the Live Stream link on our website: www.cslphilly.org This has been a greatly appreciated connection for our Community and beyond, as we share music, prayer, and uplifting messages. This Sunday’s topic is, “What If . . .” Since the Centers for Spiritual Living 2021 theme is, “Timeless Wisdom; Evolutionary Vision,” we are reminded the importance of our participation in dreaming a new dream for the world!
Consider contacting one of our Practitioners or Practitioner Interns, listed on our website, as they are always ready to provide spiritual support for any human challenges. Our archived Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes are also found on the website.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine