March 11, 2025: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Thank God for adaptability! We are adjusting to the time change, catching up on any missed sleep, and regaining our clarity of mind and energy of body. Not everyone is affected by external conditions like weather, traffic, seasons, or time change, and we can all learn to become less influenced by outer circumstances. In establishing a sweet and powerful conscious connection with the Spirit within, we are less likely to be disturbed by these temporary events and live each day in greater peace.

In setting the intention to visit and revisit that place of Peace and Power within us, we consciously align with the Omnipresence, Omniscience, and Omnipotent of God, a wonderful discipline for all of us! Understanding that Spirit is everywhere present, all wise, and all powerful, we realize that this is our very nature as spiritual beings, as well.

Our gathering this Sunday at 1:00 P.M. at UCCVF, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, will continue the monthly theme, “Divine Discipline and Delight.” As we continue moving closer to the spring season, I’ll be addressing, “Green and Growing,” a reminder of how we naturally reach toward the Light of Spirit to ascend in consciousness to our Authentic Identity. We also live stream our Celebration on YouTube which you may reach on our website: and click on the orange Watch Online button.

You will find our licensed professional Practitioners on their dedicated page on our website and choose whomever you wish to schedule an appointment. They offer the gift of a brief “Three-Minute-Miracle” after Celebration on Sundays, and you may always place a request in the Prayer Chest. Consider arriving by 12:30 to join the Practitioner of the Day for Meditation prior to our gathering.

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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