May 11, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Through spiritual discernment, we see that we have within us a power which is greater than anything we shall ever contact; a power that can overcome every obstacle in our experience and set us safe, satisfied, and at peace, healed and prosperous in a new light and a new life. “If God be for us who can be against us?”   ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 146

Consider all the unexpected occurrences and upsets since early 2020: world-wide disease and death, financial hardships, distancing from loved ones, divisiveness among people, shootings, raging, and suffering. It is no surprise that so many people are lacking in trust, worried about the future, and dealing with great uncertainty.  This is why, more than ever, we must return to Principle, remembering the One Dependable Thing in the midst of such insecurity: The Divine Presence of Love and Wisdom.

Truly, “God is the same, today, tomorrow, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)  Finally, we see Something eternally true on which we can absolutely rely!  It is up to each of us to move through the fog of uncertainty to that Sacred Place within us all where we may leave the earthly concerns long enough to touch into the Infinite and be restored.  Once we have arrived at that Holy Center of the Divine, we are finally able to experience a new reality, settle into a clear and steady realization that, no matter what else appears in our world, GOD IS BIGGER THAN THAT.

Let’s get clear that you and I are not only safe, as we navigate through the world, but that we are guided, supported, loved, nurtured, and actually made new through the experiences.  Something greater is emerging, and our courage and open-heartedness is making possible the grander vision of a world that truly works for all. Our monthly theme, “A Nurturing Foundation,” supports this Sunday’s talk, “What Do You Do When You Don’t Feel Safe?” Let’s come together in faith, strength, and unity and find a new reality.

Watch for your report from the “Re-Opening Team,” as we draw closer to the actual time we may be together again at “Sweet 16,” our lovely physical dwelling place for our spiritual Home. Live streaming will continue, even when we do begin gathering, for those who prefer to watch from their homes and for our friends out of the area who have become a viable part of our Community. Watch our weekly announcements for new information as it arrives.  Click the “Watch Live” button on to join in on Sundays, view previous Celebrations and Living Room talks from Rev. Mike and me , or just to scroll through our uplifting site.

Our Practitioners and Practitioner Interns stand ready to support you spiritually, as we move along our personal paths, and they are happy to hear from you, if you wish to contact them via our website. Prayer is our most important product!

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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