Welcome to May’s BoT Spot!
I often listen to a local, member supported, radio station in the morning while I prepare for work. I feel like it keeps me informed but in a way that doesn’t ruin my morning “buzz”. Occasionally, I catch a human-interest story or a segment that expands my knowledge on a particular topic. I have grown to love this station and the way it helps my mind and supports my ability to navigate my day. So much so, I became a sustaining member many years ago. Doing this feels like I am giving back to a source that enriches my wellbeing (Oh, wait! Was that a subtle yet shameless plug for the GPCSL Intentional Giving Program? You bet!).
So, the other day I heard a piece on the importance of human connection…real connection. The kind that happens when people spend time in each other’s company…person to person in community. And, while our world has opened up, the radio segment emphasized how reports of loneliness persist for many people. Not because they are alone necessarily, but because they aren’t experiencing connection with others. Admittedly, I sometimes feel too busy, awkward, preoccupied, or tired to make the effort to attend a social gathering or event. When I overcome the challenge and go, I am always glad I did. I feel reenergized, filled up, and recentered by connecting with others…particularly old friends, family, and the amazing people in our GPCSL community! Even our monthly Board meetings have this effect on me!
While we love our online experiences with friends from literally all over the world, GPCSL has also focused on creating opportunities for our local community to share time and space together. New opportunities for us to be together are popping up all the time!
In fact, there is a pop-up box on our website homepage with all the “deets” (Thank you Linda!!!!) or you can visit our events calendar (click here) to view upcoming in-person Sunday Celebrations, monthly Full Moon ceremonies and Nibbles & New Thought happenings, movie nights, field trips, picnics …even a community yard sale is in the works!
Thanks to all who support and engage in the Center’s activities. We invite all to grab a friend and join in as well! Financially, the Center is doing well and remains current on all bills without having to dip into our savings regularly. That said, entering a rental or purchase agreement for our own, permanent location at this point would not be sustainable with our current level of income. That could change if the cost of space comes down, our Intentional Giving Program participation and/or dollars increase, or if we find a suitable space to share with another tenant or owner (contact our bookkeeper at bookkeeper@cslphilly.com for information on joining or increasing IGP giving. Also, contact our office to let us know if you think you’ve found a suitable space for us to explore!).
Our hearts and minds are open to our next best house for our home! In the meantime, caring for our community and inviting others to join our events and classes is enriching our “Home” and building a bright and beautiful future!
Come on in! You are welcome here!!!
In gratitude and great love,
Edie Janik
GPCSL Board President