May 5, 2020: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine Kaye

Asleep in the heart of Cosmic Love, Unborn . . . Universal …Potential, The Christ Child Lay. And the great Mother Soul, Brooding over her unborn child, Conceived it in the stillness Of her Universal Nature, Imparting to it her own being.
~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 360

This poetic expression of the Divine Mother is a beautiful reminder that it is from Universal, Unconditional Love that each of us is nurtured and brought into life, and it is that which sustains us all in its Divine Embrace. Within each of us is the potential to realize the spiritual essence of our being, called The Christ, the Buddha Nature, the Atman, or so many other names. This Spiritual Nature comes from the very Heart of God, nourishing, guiding, and sustaining Its children.

This Loving Presence is the very Soul of the Universe, and the very life of each of us. The mothering nature resides within all beings and can be awakened and expressed in ways that raise up humanity to express its deeper and higher instincts of compassion and courage. As we honor Mother this coming weekend, let’s also celebrate the very Womb of the Universe, from which we all have emerged, and use our co-creative abilities to enhance our lives and the world itself.

Please join Rev. Mike and me each Sunday morning for the live streaming of our 10:30 Celebration, produced expertly by Jeff Masino, assisted by our projectionist, Edie Janik, and guided by our moderator, Tina Richards. This week’s topic is, “The Caring Heart.” You may access the weekly live stream on Sunday mornings or watch past weeks, as well as the “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I film during the week from our living room . . . . along with Yoga-the-Wonder-Dog! You’ll find everything on our new website at

Our Healing Ministry continues to lift us all in prayer, and the Practitioners’ information is available on our website. We are all working together to maintain our deep faith and to walk virtually hand-in hand until we are physically together again. We are not only going through this together; we are growing through this together!

With great love and appreciation,

Dr. Maxine

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