You must have faith in something greater than your previous experience. You must bind yourself back in faith to the God Principle within you. ~ Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called Life
Yesterday, I marked the 46th anniversary of the beginning of my ministry, having begun at my first church in Alamo, California on October 31, 1976. I feel more in love with our teaching with each year and deeply grateful for the Principle on which we depend. I have “Courted the Presence and Directed the Law” since I was a child, growing up in Religious Science, and I intend never to cease the practice.
People have often shared their regrets that they had not grown up in our Science of Mind philosophy or that they had not found it sooner. My response is that everything we had previously experienced was a necessary part of our spiritual evolution and that it is in this powerful moment that we are seeing the clarity of our Unity with God and the possibilities that understanding provides for us.
Let’s deepen our appreciation for everything in our lives, past and present, as we embark on the greatest adventure of our lives: finding the Presence within us and awakening to the Infinite Possibilities that await our creation of a bright, new, inspired future.
We begin a new theme for the month of November, “The Art of Appreciation,” and we shall live stream from the Inspiration Café this Sunday, November 6th. Our topic will be, “Graceful Passages.” Daylight Savings ends this weekend, so do remember to set your clocks back one hour before retiring on Saturday. Then, please join us by going to our website, and clicking on the Orange “Watch Live” button. Look through the site to discover our coming events and to view past Celebrations and Love Notes.
Our Practitioners are available to you and can be reached on the Practitioner Page of our website. Their contact information is posted, and any of them will be willing to bring you back to your Unity with the One and to utilize spiritual tools to deal effectively with life’s challenges.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine