Nov. 19, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

“In all things, give thanks!” This abbreviated version of Thessalonians 5:18 reminds us to keep a light and happy heart, silently (or audibly) singing God’s praises in any and all circumstances. Please remember that “GRATITUDE IS CAUSITIVE” and that, rather than waiting until something good comes along that we can appreciate, we find that a thankful heart actually draws good to us! Let’s all continue giving thanks in advance.

Rev. Mike and I count you high among our blessings, and delight in sharing community with you in so many ways, learning and growing together, laughing and weeping with each other, and sharing this life adventure.  We could not do this without you, so please know how important each one of you is to us, whether you are part of our local Community or participate with us from another geographical area.  We are all “family,” and precious to each other.

Be with us in person this Thursday night, November 21st (or the following Sunday morning online) for our presentation on, “Enough to Share; Enough to Spare.” It will be our regular order of service with our Practitioner of the Day offering the 6:30 Meditation in the Meditation Room and the 7:00 P.M. Celebration which will be streamed, as usual, on Sunday morning, November 24th. Just go to to watch at 10:30 A.M.

Please join us on Wednesday, November 27th at 6:30 P.M. for “An Evening of Gratitude and Community.  On Thanksgiving Eve, we will offer a shorter Celebration of thankfulness, including gorgeous music and our beautiful, bodacious, Bountiful Bouquet ritual, then gather at about 7:15 in Fellowship Hall for a shared feast. Bring a dish if you wish, but please know there will be plenty of food and uplifting camaraderie for our community and beyond. This will replace our regular Thursday night Celebration, since that is Thanksgiving, and there will be no pre-Celebration Meditation that evening. Keep in mind that we begin in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M. that evening and that you may bring food items between 5:00 and 5:30 into the Fellowship Hall. Meditation Room. Click here to let us know you can join us! Be sure to invite family and friends. All are Welcome!  And the 6:30 P.M. Celebration will be streamed, as usual, on Sunday morning, December 1st by tuning in via our website at 10:30 A.M.

Our Licensed Practitioners are always happy to work with you, either to help you through a challenge, to manifest something wonderful in your life, or simply to assist you in learning the principles of Science of Mind that we use in our personal and collective lives.  Contact any of them on the Practitioner Page of our website, enjoy a brief meeting with one of them after a Thursday Celebration, or place a request for treatment in the Prayer Chest that night.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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