When we send out the beautiful energy of gratitude to the world, we launch a circulatory movement which opens hearts and minds even more completely to receive great and growing good in every conceivable form. This divine activity makes all the difference between limitation and freedom, sadness and joy, as it brings order to chaos. It is when we establish ourselves in true thankfulness that we become receptive to the Underlying Harmony of the Universe and invite Its flow into our lives.
Human beings have misused their power of attention by focusing on fear instead of faith, anger instead of love, and conflict instead of peace. Wars continue to rage in a world that was intended for unity and compassion, and while we honor those brave men and women this Veterans Day who have given so much of themselves, we also must hold to a vision of a peaceful world that works for all.
As we emanate gratitude and love, relying on a Power greater than we are, yet right where we are, we re-align with our Original Goodness, shining a light on our lives and on humanity, resulting in healthy responses from the Universe. We all have the opportunity to lift our consciousness and to establish a positive vibration of love and peace and thankfulness. Let’s make that difference today by keeping our hearts open to the grace of gratitude and our minds clearly focused on the transformation of our race, as we recall our spiritual origins.
Each Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M., one of our Practitioners leads a brief Meditation in the Upper Room, completing in ample time for our 10:30 Celebration. We continue following CDC recommendations for everyone’s safety and wellbeing, including wearing masks indoors. Those watching virtually may connect on our website, cslphilly.org, and click on the orange “watch live” button to tune in and be with us. You may also scroll through the website to see upcoming events and past Celebrations, as well as archived Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me. Our topic this Sunday is, “The Law of Radiation.”
Whenever you find yourself in need of affirmative prayer, you may contact one of our Practitioners or Practitioner Intern to make an appointment, either in person or on the telephone. You may reach them on the Practitioner Page of our website, where all their contact information is listed.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine