Oct. 1, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

As our Jewish friends begin the sacred observation of Rosh Hashana tomorrow night, we may also enter into the experience of a fresh approach to a “new year.” Of course, any time we begin something beyond what we have previously known and experienced, it is essential to release that which has been, in order to make way for a greater idea. Change is not always comfortable but certainly necessary for innovative ideas and practices.

Perhaps it was “always done that way,” but we mustn’t cling to old modalities of thinking or believing, if we are to experience more freedom and greater joy. Recycling material things reminds us of the necessity of recirculating ideas, in order to come closer to Truth. We read in Luke that Jesus suggested we should not put “new wine in old wineskins,” indicating that the previous forms or patterns cannot successfully hold the grander belief system. We are wise to release that which has been and live in the powerful moment of Now!

Please join us in person this Thursday evening, October 3rd at our, lovely, shared at UCCVF, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA begin, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. We have been loving our in-person gatherings with uplifting music by Ray Adkins, inspiring meditation, prayer, and presentations. We all enjoy Hospitality time after Celebration, where we connect with each other and share refreshments and conversation. The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. You will find us by clicking on the orange Watch Online button at www.cslphilly.org

The theme for the month of October is, “A New Vision,” and what a perfect focus this is for our shared intention to reach out into the greater community and “provide spiritual tools for personal and global transformation.” This Thursday’s topic is, “Yesterday Ended Last Night,” a good reminder of the necessity to release the former, as we co-create the new.

Next Sunday afternoon, October 6th, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a very special “Sacred Healing Service from 3:00 to 5:00 P.M. This provides a warm and loving environment in which we may clear out limiting beliefs in the subjective mind and free ourselves to a greater expression of livingness, using the very effective “Fear-to-Faith” process familiar to many of us. Please register by clicking here or on the “Events” page of our website.

We are all “practitioners” of Science of Mind, as we learn and practice the steps of Affirmative Prayer. Our Licensed Practitioners are always ready to assist you through challenges or simply help you to lift and expand your consciousness. You will find them on their dedicated page on our website.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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