Oct, 2022: October BoT SPOT

Welcome to GPCSL’s October BoT SPOT!

“I gently review GPCSL yesterdays, learning, loving, and transforming the past and entering in with celebration to the Center’s new possibilities today.”

This affirmation represents the overall theme of our GPCSL Annual Community Business Meeting held on October 2nd, 2022. There was a downpour of rain that day only to be met with an outpouring of care for our wonderful Center. Thank you to all who joined us onsite and virtually!

In case you missed it, here are a few highlights from the meeting:

  • Looking Back: over the last 12 months, we have strengthened our financial position by reducing our expenses, investing in our livestream Sunday Celebration production, and focused on providing opportunities for the community to be together. Classes continued to be abundantly available and well attended virtually. We welcomed three new practitioners and two new members. Our minister, and “BOGO” Rev. Mike, continued to advocate for inclusion and community by regularly interacting with the Main Line Ministerium and the larger CSL organization.
  • Looking Ahead: having successfully navigated rather large and unprecedented rocky terrain, we are well positioned now to ramp up to more regular in-person gatherings, Sunday Celebrations, and events! As well as begin to look for our new Great, Permanent Space (GPS). Innovation, creativity, and vision are guiding us to our next location.
  • Financially Speaking: we have consistently remained current on all accounts payable and with the help of our Treasurer and Triple A team leader, we have the insight needed to plan the Center’s next steps in alignment with our current financials.

Speaking of insight, it is “IGP” season! That means we all will be given the opportunity to join the GPCSL Intentional Giving Program for 2023 later this month. Our Center, like all Centers for Spiritual Living and many non-profit organizations, is member and friend supported. IGP donations are our largest and most reliable source of financial support. With consistent financial support, the Center will grow and go on to serve not only us, but generations to come. That’s why we invite you to invest in it, by participating in the IGP…to the degree that works for you. Every committed donation is one that helps us effectively manage the Center’s finances and confidently plan for the future. We thank you in advance for your thoughtful commitment to this program. If you are currently participating in the 2022 IGP, thank you for meeting your commitment before the new year.

With love and deep appreciation,

Edie Janik

President, on behalf of the GPCSL Board of Trustees, sqemj@hotmail.com


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