Creativity is intelligence having fun. Albert Einstein
As our spiritual community comes together to find and implement innovative and inspired ideas to co-create a new environment of “Living, Loving, and Learning,” we do well to enter into these divine activities with joy, as well as with clear intention. Ernest Holmes suggested that we “take what we are doing seriously,” while not “taking ourselves too seriously” while we are doing it!
We rely on Principle for all creative activity, as we join together in One Mind and One Heart to bring about an inspired future for the Greater Philadelphia Center for Spiritual Living, enhanced Peace and Prosperity for ourselves and our loved ones, and True Harmony and Wholeness for the world. The Infinite Intelligence of this Universe is available at all times and in all places and is actually flowing through each one of us now. As we welcome this Divine Activity with love and delight, opening our hearts to one another, we begin amazing ourselves with what truly is possible.
It requires moving beyond any former subjective patterns of lack or limitation, as we expand into greater freedom and joyous living. Neither global catastrophes nor personal challenges have any power of themselves, as conditions change as quickly as a new consciousness prevails. As we establish beautiful, new spiritual prototypes in our individual and collective consciousness, the Creative Infinite Intelligence reveals them with great success.
Even while we connect with one another virtually at this time, we are using a Power for Good that is greater than we are, yet right within and all around us. We are privileged to use it for good and honored to allow IT to use us for even greater Good. Let’s let this Intelligence show us the resources at hand, as we move creatively and joyfully into a new realm of divine activity.
You are cordially invited to join us in our live-streamed Sunday Celebration this Sunday at 10:30 A.M. on You Tube and Facebook. Simply go to our website, Our theme for September is, “Everything New,” and this Sunday’s topic is, “The Creative Community.” This Sunday’s Annual Community Meeting will take place from 12:30 – 2:45 P.M. and will be a lively, informative, important, and delightful gathering on Zoom. Please contact Linda O’Neil at for more information.
Remember that our Practitioners stand by to serve the Center and its individuals with spiritual support, ready to reveal greater truth for all. You will find their information on our website. We so appreciate your continued spiritual and financial support that keeps your Beloved Community alive and well and doing its part to make a difference in our world, personally and globally.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine