We are free souls, free spirits, and because this is true, our thought has creative power, and since it has this power, we must carefully choose what we are to think, for everything moves in circles. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 434
We may have wondered at times why a previous personal challenge reappears after believing we had effectively dealt with it. When we realize that what may seem to be a circular event is actually a spiraling experience, we begin to understand that we did, indeed, made progress earlier and that now we have a beautiful opportunity to complete the process. As we have addressed the essential components of our Purpose Statement this month, “Living, Loving, Learning: Spirituality That Works,” we have become aware of the universal activity of increase, including the very consciousness with which we learn to live and love more consciously and creatively.
Always at choice to redirect the direction of our attention, we live more powerful, successful, beautiful lives, thinking and feeling with wisdom and compassion. The Law of Increase applies to us personally, as well as universally, as humankind progresses along its path of awakening. Let’s experience the freedom of choice we have to continue expanding in consciousness, as we review and reflect on how far we have come and set our intentions on how we choose to continue on our spiritual journeys, individually and together.
Join us this Sunday at 10:30 A.M., as we live stream our Morning Celebration from the Inspiration Café, viewed on our website, www.cslphilly.org by clicking on the Watch Live button. Completing our theme for the month of September, this week’s talk will be, “Circles,” reminding us of the ever-upward spiral of personal and universal spiritual growth.
Looking for a spiritual uplift? Check out our Practitioner Page to find just the right person to work with. They are trained in the art of spiritual mind treatment, and honor you with care and confidentiality, so contact any of them by phone or text to set up an appointment. Also, look through the website’s pages showing many interesting events and activities, as well as past Sunday Celebrations and Love Notes.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine