Aug. 3, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Wisdom is a living stream, not an icon preserved in a museum.  Only when we find the spring of wisdom in our own life can it flow to future generations. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

As we continue deepening our focus on August’s theme, “Living in the Flow of Life,” we realize that every one of us is actually an illuminated instrument for the bountiful Life Divine, each needed to fulfill our personal destiny, as we develop our special talents, and give our unique gifts with joy.  It is our sacred and delightful duty to maintain a clear, open, willing channel through which Spirit may shine.

The Law of Circulation requires a steady flow of Life’s energy in and through us, sustaining us in perfect peace and power, and providing us with everything needed and wanted for the perfect fulfillment of the divine intention which resides within every heart.  How freeing it is to realize that all good comes from within, flowing through us with grace and ease, enhancing our personal lives, then spreading into the world to lift and bless all it touches. Let us be that Fountain of Life, Wholeness, Abundance, Love, and Creativity that we were designed to be.

As the sign in the store window reads, “Inquire within,” it is this inward glimpse that reminds us how central each of us to the inflow and outpouring of Life through us and how essential it is to experience ourselves as the point of power and creativity.  You and I are, indeed, natural springs of Spirit’s activity, fulfilling our innate desire to give and receive this Bountiful Life.

For a few quiet moments of meditation prior to Sunday Celebration, join our Practitioner of the Day upstairs in the Prayer Room at 10:00, then enjoy connecting time downstairs with your friends before we begin at 10:30.  It is lovely to be together again, and we find our color-coded name tags effectively communicate people’s choices for the degree of personal connection or social distancing desired. Of course, we will keep you advised on CDC notices, recently suggesting wearing masks at indoor gatherings, if people are more comfortable doing so .  We are not yet singing or providing refreshments, but how we love connecting with each other! Of course, we continue reaching people around the world with our live streaming, as well.  This Sunday’s talk title will be, “Be the Fountain.” To join us on line, simply go to  at 10:30 A.M. EDT and click on the orange “watch now” button.  Previous Sunday Celebrations and Rev. Mike’s and my “Love Notes” are archived there, as well.

Our wonderful Practitioners and Intern are always ready to respond  to your requests and may be accessed on our website, where you will find their photos and contact information. Spiritual Mind Treatment is a beautiful tool to deal effectively with human challenges, and they are happy to work with you in lifting your consciousness to a greater realization of good.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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