Aug. 31, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Of all the things that exist, we breathe and wake and turn it into songMark Nepo

As a new month begins tomorrow, we find ourselves entering into many fresh opportunities to move forward into a  greater awareness of our infinite possibilities.  It is time to begin moving mentally, not only from summer to fall, but into an expanded vision for ourselves, our community, and our world.

Like many of you, Rev. Mike and I enjoyed a delightful, end-of-summer vacation and are fully charged and ready for the “new year” to begin.  We love teaching classes and find great wisdom in our bright, creative students, who not only learn and grow, but often share their insights with the group. Please consider joining us on line for either his “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life” class of Saturday afternoons, beginning Sept. 11th, or my “Four Agreements,” beginning Tuesday nights, Sept. 14th.  Sunday Celebrations can be inspiring and uplifting; yet, it is in our classes that the deep work takes place, and our growth is satisfying.

Our new theme for the month of September is “Reawaken and Renew,” and that is exactly what we intend to do.  Next Sunday’s talk title is, “A Whole, New Year,” and we will also be looking at the significance of our Jewish friends’ Rosh Hashana celebration of their “new year.” Yes, it is time to breathe more deeply, wake more completely, and turn our lives into beautiful, new melodies.

Our Practitioners conduct a quiet, twenty-minute Meditation in the Upper Room each Sunday at 10:00 A.M., prior to Celebration, and you are welcome to join them before returning downstairs to greet your friends prior to our 10:30 A.M. Celebration.   We follow CDC recommendations, wear masks indoors, and use color-coded name tags to communicate people’s choices for the degree of personal connection or social distancing desired. Even though we are not yet singing or providing refreshments, it feels wonderful to be with each other. Of course, we will continue live streaming, as well. Join us in person or on line at  and click on the “watch now” button, whenever you wish to view the Celebration or previous Sunday Celebrations and Rev. Mike’s and my archived “Love Notes.”

Our Practitioners and Intern are always ready to support you spiritually to work through challenges or move into new opportunities. Any one you select will be happy to hear from you and to work with you in spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer.)

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine


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