Aug. 9, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The Original Substance takes many forms; multiplicity, or many, within unity, or the One.  ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 493
How many beautiful flowers grow and flourish in God’s Garden! Each of us came forth from the One Life, infused with the qualities of Spirit, moving along our individual evolutionary paths, and imbued with particular gifts to enjoy and to share with others. This is true of all sentient beings, and it is a wondrous thing to behold our unity while celebrating the rich and varied ways that Life finds ways to express.
No one came into this world without purpose, and it can take some time to become acquainted with the unique and essential ways in which we may add to the beauty of humanity.  As we bring our own Authentic Self to the world and rejoice in the special qualities within others, we discover and cherish our Oneness with Spirit and each other. Let’s look more deeply into our spiritual nature, appreciate and respect everyone’s uniqueness, and simply, “Let God be God in us!”
Every Sunday at 10:30 A.M., we stream our morning Celebration from the Inspiration Café in Paoli. The theme for the month of August is, “Loving the World to Wholeness,” and this week’s topic will be, “Unity in Multiplicity.” Just go to our website, and click on the orange “Watch Live” button, you will be taken to our YouTube channel or click here for our Facebook page. Be sure to take a look at the other pages on this site, including Events, archived Sunday Celebrations, and Love Notes Rev. Mike and I send during the week.
Whenever there is a need for spiritual support, our Professional Practitioners stand by to work with you, using spiritual principles to address human conditions. You may find them listed on the Practitioner Page of our website and reach out to any of them for compassionate assistance.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

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