Author Archives: L ONeill

A Special Post-Election Message from Dr. Maxine

To our Beloved Community,
Regardless of our individual political views and personal feelings right now, we are navigating through challenging appearances that call for greater Unity, deeper Faith, and Higher Love. Following are the words that came to me first thing this morning, and I shared them with our CSL Ministers.
I invite you now to stand with me in declaring Peace, embodying Love, and coming together at every opportunity to celebrate our Faith. 
The more we meet in person, sing and pray and play together, the healthier we will be, individually and as a Community. Yes, that includes a Bingo afternoon, a Celebration of Gratitude and breaking bread together and with others who choose to join us. We are about Oneness, the Power of Love, and bringing the highest and best from within us into a world that strongly desires and deserves to “work for all.”
With highest love,
Dr. Maxine


I am called to keep the High Watch

Nothing moves me from the Truth within

I am here to lift and nurture all

It is Joy that fires my resolve

Steady in my Love for God’s Creation

I refuse temptation to despair

I am now a citadel of Power

Ready now to do my sacred part.


~ Maxine Kaye

Nov. 5, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

“In everything give thanks!” This was Paul’s wise advice to the people of Thessalonia, words for us to appreciate and utilize every day. To what are we to give thanks? Not necessarily to the event or condition we may be experiencing but to the constant Source of Life and the gifts we may receive by relying on Spirit. Grateful for the Loving, Sustaining Presence which forever provides divine solutions for human experiences, we may relax into the Peace that not only passes understanding but brings understanding.

As we enter into the month of Gratitude, let’s especially delight in God’s Perfect Life moving in each of us and through all our affairs. Keeping our attention on that which loving, true, and eternal, we open ourselves to greater Peace and Success, for “Gratitude is Causative!” Let’s maintain our focus on the Main Thing, which is the continual sustenance and guidance of Spirit. I am thankful for the constancy of God, for the dedication of our Center’s leadership, and for our beautiful members and friends.

Please sign up on Breeze and be with us for “An Evening of Gratitude and Community,” sharing in an early Thanksgiving feast on Wednesday, November 27th in the Fellowship Hall at the United Church of Christ, following a Gratitude Celebration in the Sanctuary at 6:30 P.M. which will include our “Bountiful Bouquet” ritual. Click here to let us know you will be joining us and if you’d like to bring a dish or dessert to share. All are welcome!

Join us this Thursday at UCC, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M.  I will be speaking on, “Our Sacred Union with Source.” For those not able to attend in person, you may watch our Thursday Celebration the following Sunday at 10:30 A.M. Go to our website on the “Watch.” button.

Remember to scroll through our website to find upcoming events and archived Celebrations and Love Notes. Also check out the Practitioner Page to find professional and caring folks to help you move through challenges.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

In his first inaugural address, Franklin D. Roosevelt wisely stated, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Understanding how powerfully our beliefs affect our life experiences, we realize that such a negative emotion only creates more of the unsettling conditions about which we may be concerned. Rather than adding fuel to undesirable and harmful ideas and temporary conditions, we sensibly turn away from belief in them and turn toward inviting the Faith of God to restore Peace in our hearts and in our environment.

Individually and collectively, we can and must be a force for Good, intentionally rising above external circumstances, and positively affecting the subjective consciousness of humanity. Instead of allowing ourselves to be influenced by adverse attitudes, we have the ability to dive deeply into Spirit’s Peace and Power and to be a positive inspiration to others. Let’s begin at the beginning, returning to the Infinite Mind and Heart of God, where the Light of Truth shines so brightly that It dispels the darkness of ignorance.

Join us this Thursday, October 31st at the United Church of Christ, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M.  Rev. Mike will be speaking on, “No Place for Fear,” a perfect topic for the uncertainty and anxiety many are feeling around current national and world circumstances. For those not able to attend in person, you may watch the Thursday Celebration the following Sunday at 10:30 A.M. by going to our website and clicking on the “Watch Now” button.

We are participating in the Upper Mainline Interfaith Alliance Prayer Vigil for our National Election at St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church at 689 Sugartown Road, Malvern, on Sunday, November 3rd at 4:00 P.M. It will be an afternoon of readings, prayers, and uplifting practices for Peace and Unity, and your presence is requested.

When it feels difficult to maintain peace of mind, you may consider contacting one of our Licensed Professional Practitioners to assist in deepening your faith and returning you to a healthy consciousness. All are listed on the Practitioner Page of our website and whomever you choose will be pleased to schedule an appointment with you.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 22, 2014 From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

The brilliant architect and futurist, Buckminster Fuller, cautioned that we humans are “like infants, crawling around on the floor of the universe!” Certainly, it is not possible to have much of view from such a position, so we are wise to stand up in consciousness in order to see a bigger picture. I was privileged to see and hear him in the late 1970’s and continue to be inspired by his elevated vision. We mustn’t allow ourselves to remain with constricted thinking when there is an enormous universe awaiting us with infinite possibilities.

Together, we are utilizing the dynamic principles of Science of Mind to expand our vision of Peace and Unity in the world, beginning, of course, with our own consciousness. The deeper we go into Source, the higher our vision becomes, until we find ourselves walking fearlessly into greater Love, letting It lead us from limitation to freedom. Let’s hold hands, figuratively and literally, as Divine Inspiration continues leading us forward.

Join us this Thursday, October 24th at the United Church of Christ, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M. Our focus will be on, “Get a Bigger Vision,” and I invite you all to join me in that divine project! For those not able to attend in person, you may watch the Thursday Celebration the following Sunday at 10:30 A.M. by going to our website and clicking on the “Watch Now” button.

Scroll through the site to view previous Celebrations and reels, as well as classes and events. When you find the Practitioner Page, you will find caring, compassionate Licensed Practitioners willing to help you work through any challenges you may be experiencing. Any of them will be glad to schedule an appointment with you.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

Oct. 15, 2024: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Dear Ones,

Yes, we are all committed to a New Vision of a World That Works for All, each of us doing what we are called to do, both spiritually and materially, to bring this about IN OUR LIFETIME. It usually takes a willingness to see and do things differently than what was deemed to be “the norm” in times past, so let’s begin observing from a different perspective and watch ourselves become more the Authentic Self.

What may have been seen as “outrageous” for women to show their keen ability to work in professions typically reserved for men is now nearly universally accepted. People of ethnicities and faith traditions unlike the average population of a town still may experience some “othering,” but we are better educated and informed about the beauty of their history and experiences than ever before. “The times they are a-changing,” and it is those conscious, caring souls transforming their perceptions that are moving us forward.

We have a marvelous evening planned for you this Thursday, October 17th with Guest Speaker, Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh from CSL North Jersey. We will meet as usual in the Sanctuary of the United Church of Christ, 45 Walker Road, Wayne, PA, beginning with Meditation at 6:30 and Celebration at 7:00 P.M.  Rev. Michelle and our Music Director, Ray Adkins, have a long history of working together and are planning an exciting evening for you. Her topic will be, “Coloring Outside the Lines,” and I know of no one who has lived her life in this manner any more effectively than this wise, charming, and audacious “Jersey Girl!” 

The evenings are recorded and streamed the following Sunday at the regular 10:30 A.M. time for those not able to attend in person. You may access this and previous Celebrations by going to our website: and clicking on the orange Watch Now button.

Check out the Practitioner Page on our website to connect with one of our trained Licensed Practitioners to help you through any challenges you may be experiencing. They not only help to transform consciousness but assist you in deepening your understanding of our Principles.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine