Welcome to January 2024 BoT Spot!
So how is it going? I am curious if you are feeling centered and operating in a way that aligns with your personal vision for yourself and the world three weeks into the 2024 new year?
I don’t mind sharing that it has been a bit of a bumpy ride for me so far. Don’t get me wrong: I feel incredibly blessed and generally happy most of the time. But, if I were to answer the question above honestly, I would say, “No”. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what the core issue was though. It all came to light during the GPCSL Board of Trustees Visioning meeting last Sunday afternoon.
Every time I participate in a visioning session, it never fails to reveal immutable truths and meaningful insights beyond my expectations. The experience also pulls away the veil of separation and gets me moving to the next “Kingdom” (high five to those of you who got the reference!).
But wait! Wasn’t the visioning session about clarifying the Board’s vision for the Center??? Yes, it was, and simultaneously it underscored the thread of consciousness between our individually held personal visions and those we each held for the Center. Reminds me of the saying, “As within, so without”.
I think I can confidently speak for the group of us when I say we left the session invigorated and recommitted to living our personal visions, knowing doing so will strengthen our ability to manifest exalted health and growth of the Center. We are Living, Loving, Learning Spirituality that works…in this case through the practice of visioning.
As part of our community, you will be invited to participate in a visioning session very soon. We look forward to that collective exercise and the benefit it will bring to those who choose to participate and ultimately, the GPCSL Center. In the meantime, know your Board of Trustees is doing its work to successfully oversee the financial and operational health of the Center, and support the vision of an extraordinary ministry and community.
Grateful to be of Service,
Edie Janik
President, GPCSL Board of Trustees