If we could give up our diseases — offer them on the alter of faith to the Giver of all life — we would be healed. It is not easy to release our troubles; we are prone to linger with them. But, by effectual and fervent prayer, we gradually loose false thought into the native nothingness. God is perfect life, and when we enter His light, we are healed. ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 501
The ever-changing trees during this fall season teach us the wisdom, joy, and beauty of releasing that which no longer serves, an important lesson for our spiritual and material progress. It is not possible to move forward until we liberate ourselves from limiting ideas, emotional baggage, erroneous human race conscious thoughts, and false beliefs in separation from Source. Releasing resentments, regrets, and guilt frees us to enter more deeply into the underlying Unconditional Love of God. As our Jewish friends prepare to observe Yom Kippur this weekend, the holiest of all their celebrations, they confess and atone for their “sins,” in order to forgive and to be forgiven. The “at-one-ment” that occurs as we allow negativity to be transformed into affirmative, constructive ideas and experiences is what we all seek.
The ever-changing trees during this fall season teach us the wisdom, joy, and beauty of releasing that which no longer serves, an important lesson for our spiritual and material progress. It is not possible to move forward until we liberate ourselves from limiting ideas, emotional baggage, erroneous human race conscious thoughts, and false beliefs in separation from Source. Releasing resentments, regrets, and guilt frees us to enter more deeply into the underlying Unconditional Love of God. As our Jewish friends prepare to observe Yom Kippur this weekend, the holiest of all their celebrations, they confess and atone for their “sins,” in order to forgive and to be forgiven. The “at-one-ment” that occurs as we allow negativity to be transformed into affirmative, constructive ideas and experiences is what we all seek.
Prayer is always the answer, and Spiritual Mind Treatment is a powerful, affirmative declaration of Truth that can dissolve those negative notions and emancipate us from their hold. Through this spiritual practice, we replace doubt with Faith, lack with Abundance, pain with Peace, conflict with Harmony, loneliness with Love, and limitation with Freedom. As we let go of the past, surrendering to the Perfect Life in this present moment, we begin to form a new idea, an inspired future, for ourselves and others.
We may enhance the process by working in the physical realm, as well, by cleaning out closets, releasing anything we no longer use to the benefit of people who would be happy to receive them, and aligning more completely with the Law of Circulation. It is also essential that we do not hold too tightly to our good, insisting that the blessings in our life remain exactly as they are, or we may actually prevent even greater good from coming to us. As Emerson says, We cannot let our angels go; we do not see that they only go out that archangels may come in. Let’s let this beautiful, new season teach us to enter deeply into Life’s Perfect Circulation and celebrate our Oneness with The Divine.
We love bringing you each week our live-streamed Sunday Celebrations at 10:30 A.M. on You Tube and Facebook. Simply go to our website, www.cslphilly.org. Our theme for September has been, “Everything New,” and this Sunday’s final topic for the month is, “The Leaves Must Fall.” Rev. Mike and I enjoy sharing our daily “Love Notes” with you, and they may all be accessed on our website, as well.
Our dedicated Practitioners are so willing to serve you and the Center with spiritual support, ready to reveal greater truth for all. You will find their information on our website. Thank you SO much for your continued spiritual and financial support that keeps your Beloved Community alive and well and doing its part to make a difference in our world, personally and globally.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine