Cold and dark are temporary conditions to which we may adapt or about which we may complain, and our choice makes all the difference when it comes to the degree of enjoyment we find in our lives. In most wintry climates at this time, the temperatures are chilly, and the darkness seems interminable. Although small children may wonder if the warmth and light will ever return, adults understand about seasonal cycles and fully expect both to return.
The same is true of unwanted or unpleasant conditions, as the more quickly we lift our attention to the larger picture, the sooner we are able to embrace a new perspective and return to deep faith and great enjoyment. Richard Bach ‘s inspirational quote, “Overcome fear; behold wonder,” reminds us how we may move into a healthy, new mindset and truly begin appreciating the beauty of life.
Please join us this Saturday, December 18th at 7:00 P.M., as we celebrate our Annual Winter Solstice, “Nurturing Night: Loving the Light” at our Center. This will be a beautiful opportunity to invite the Light of Truth to shine through us all and bring delight into our world. We have great presenters of many faiths and fabulous music to lift our spirits and bring us to a higher consciousness of Infinite Possibilities.
We love seeing those of you who join us in person for our Sunday morning Celebrations at 10:30 A.M., everyone following CDC recommendations for safety and wellbeing, which includes wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. Our Practitioner of the Day holds a brief meditation at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday in the “Upper Room.” Our topic this Sunday is, “Into the Darkness with the Light.” You also have the option of tuning in virtually by going to our website, and clicking on the orange “watch live” button to be with us. Monday through Friday’s daily “Love Notes” given by Rev. Mike and me, are archived there, as well as upcoming events and past Celebrations. Our topic this Sunday is, “Into the Darkness with the Light.”
For any situation you may be facing or simply to open your consciousness to greater good, you may click on the Practitioner Page of our website, where Practitioners and a Practitioner Intern are standing by to work with you in spiritual mind treatment. We provide spiritual tools for any and all human problems, and they are here to help you feel closer to Spirit and to use the Law for your greater good.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine