May 31, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The birth of the soul into the light of Spirit is an awakening to the realization that God has been with us all the time.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 503
No matter the phase of life in which we find ourselves, we understand that we have never been, no could we ever be, outside the Life of God. We have a Divine Companion accompanying us every step of our spiritual journey, as we grow, mature, and evolve into that which we truly are: Living Centers of Divine Activity. This process of awakening is shared by all, and, as each of us becomes more deeply aware of our divine nature, we shine a Light of Truth which inspires others to become more alive and aware.
The constant within the multitudinous changes within each person’s life experience is the Presence of God and the Principle of Sowing and Reaping. We may absolutely depend upon the Love and the Law, no matter how we grow and change physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Underlying it all is the Infinite Life of the Divine, and it is our Life to live.
We begin a new month this Sunday, with June’s theme being, “Seasons of Living.” my   livestreamed talk at 10:30 A.M., from the Inspiration Café  will be, “Born and Reborn.”  As you go to our website and click on the orange button, you will be directed to either Facebook or YouTube to watch the Morning Celebration. Previous Celebrations and our Love Notes are also posted there.
Although we continue deepening our skills in utilization the Universal Creative Power to enhance our lives, there are times when we do well to engage a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner, one trained in the art and science of Spiritual Mind Treatment, to assist us in working through any challenges we are facing or simply to deepen our recognition of the Presence within us. Our dedicated, licensed Practitioners are available to you to lift you into a greater sense of Reality, and you will find them listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Select whomever you feel a connection with, and call or email them to set up an appointment, in person or on line.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

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