Nov. 16, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Our month of focus on, “The Grateful Heart” continues to bring us opportunities for deeper understanding and greater learning about infinite possibilities.  It is not just on Thanksgiving Day that we count our blessings, as the causative energy of gratitude is a vital contributor to our success and wellbeing. In practicing these principles of Science of Mind, we grow in consciousness and delight in our Divine Bounty, whether it is increased abundance, more radiant health, greater creativity, or happier relationships.

As many people prepare to gather with family and friends to enjoy a celebratory meal, it is wise to prioritize our purpose and intentions.  In order for the Thanksgiving table to provide real connection to those present, a clear and loving focus on mutual appreciation is the very best “first course” to be enjoyed. The people truly are more important than any specially prepared dish, and a simple blessing, plus an opportunity to share “good news” with each other, will make the occasion sweet and memorable. In fact, we can begin this wonderful practice immediately and continue it after the holiday!

If you choose to attend our Sunday morning Celebrations in person, you may also wish to join our Practitioner of the Day at 10:00 A.M., for a brief Meditation in the Upper Room, then return downstairs to the Sanctuary for our 10:30 Celebration.  We continue following CDC recommendations for everyone’s safety and wellbeing, including wearing masks indoors. Otherwise, you may tune in virtually by going to our website,, and click on the orange “watch live” button to tune in and be with us.  You may also scroll through the website to see upcoming events and past Celebrations, as well as archived Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me. Our topic this Sunday is, “Over the River and Through the Woods.”

Our Practitioners and Practitioner Intern are standing by to support you in affirmative prayer and individual sessions for any challenge you may be experiencing or a consciousness shift you wish to make. You will find them on the Practitioner Page of our website with their contact information.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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