Nov 3, 2020: From the Pen

There must come a time in our experience when we speak the conviction that is within us. This conviction of the Spiritual Universe in which we live is real and powerful. The light cannot be borrowed from another.  Each has been furnished with a divine torch whose wick burns from the oil of the eternal and ever renewing substance of faith in oneself and in others. Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 415

The Light within each of us is inextinguishable, and, as we share these Divine Lights with one another, we create an amazing, illuminated world.  Even . . . and, perhaps, especially . . . in uncertain and changing times, we are wise to depend completely on the Dependable Divinity at the heart of each person and of the world itself.  With the Faith Of God, we are able to bring good and ever greater good into our personal lives and into the world itself.

As our hearts open more widely to Infinite Love and our minds fill with Universal Wisdom, we find great delight in working together to co-create that World That Works for All.  It truly is our right, our responsibility, and our privilege to bring about the changes we have been praying about.  The joy of joining with others of like mind, with a deep conviction of the Power for Good that is ours to use, opens the way for the New Possibility of Peace and Plenty to emerge.  Let’s do this together, remembering it is the Power and the Presence of God working through the instruments of our individuality that does it all and does it beautifully.

As you continue joining us each Sunday on our live-streamed Celebrations at 10:30 A.M. on You Tube and Facebook, you may wish to invite your friends to watch and listen with you on our website, We are grateful that our reach is expanding.  Our  November theme is, “What is Ours to Do,” and this Sunday’s  topic is, “Coming Together for Good.” Do check out previous Sunday talks and daily “Love Notes” that Rev. Mike and I film from our living room, archived on the website and accessed on the Live Stream button.

These are great times to contact our Practitioners and Practitioner Interns for spiritual support and to reveal newness in your lives.  They are listed on the website and available to walk with you on your journey.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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