Sept. 26, 2023: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Concluding the month of September, in which we focused on “Aliveness,” moved gracefully through the change of season, and began new endeavors, we now look forward to beginning the month of October and its theme, “Truth.” As we move individually and collectively along our spiritual evolutionary paths, we realize how essential real honesty is in dealing with the healthy changes we are ready to make and the need to maintain our conscious connection to Infinite Wisdom.

Ernest Holmes suggested that we are to see facts for what they are, while not becoming overly concerned about something that is impermanent. Sticking to the Truth that God is the Essence of all life, that we are all individualizations of the Divine, and that we are co-creators with God, the wholesome changes we are ready to make in our own lives become more doable. Everything is possible when we understand the underlying Presence and Power that is forever nurturing, sustaining, and guiding us on the journey.

As we build a new consciousness, personally and collectively, it is our insistence on keeping our internal and external conversations at the highest level of awareness that makes it possible for us to develop healthy discernment. It is in embracing the Truth that “sets us free” and KEEPS us free that we are able to view the facts and the conditions as transitory forms, coming and going without disturbance.

Tonight, I begin the first of a five-week non-tuition class, “Meditation and Serendipity” from 6:30 to 8:30 on Zoom. If you register on Breeze quickly (click here), you will still be sent the link and workbook, and there is a small $10.00 fee for the materials. Rev. Mike begins a five-week, CSL Accredited Consciousness Class on Zoom, Emmet Fox’s “Mental Equivalents,” this Thursday, September 28th, from 6:30 to 9:00 P.M. Registration is also through Breeze (click here to register). He also continues his popular Saturday morning study of, “How to Use the Science of Mind.”

To join our “love-stream” this Sunday, just go to and press on the orange ”Watch Live” button. My topic will be, “Facts Insist; Truth Persists.” If you are otherwise occupied at 10:30 A.M. on October 1st, you may use the same method to tune in later in the day or week. While you are on our website, you may wish to scroll through, learn more about us, and find interesting events that we offer.

Need some spiritual assistance for a human problem? Just check out the Practitioner Page on the website and contact any of the wonderful members of our Healing Ministry to help you find your way back to your healthier, happier, more peaceful self.

With great love and respect,

Dr. Maxine

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