Monthly Archives: December 2021

Dec. 28, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Our life is an apprenticeship to the truth that around every circle another can be drawn; that there is no end in nature, but every end is a beginning; that there is always another dawn risen on mid-noon, and under every deep a lower deep opens. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Circles”

As we complete the year of 2021, we realize that the ending of these past twelve months opens the way for us to enter into a New Year, inspired with infinite possibilities for greater health and wellbeing in every area of our lives and a deeper connection with God, the Source of all.  As Ernest Holmes states in the first introductory chapter of the Science of Mind, p. 27, “. . . God is in, through, around and for us.”

Releasing the past with love and gratitude, we embrace the New Reality for an inspired future that we, individually and collectively, are co-creating.  We are serious about “A World That Works for All” and willing and able to do our part in consciousness to bring it about . . . sooner, rather than later.  As there is neither time nor space in the Mind of God, so we do our spiritual work “At the corner of Here and Now!” We can do this together, so let’s begin.

If you were not present with us for our Annual Winter Solstice, “Nurturing Night; Loving the Light,”  you may experience it from your own home at any time by going to our website Click on the “watch live” button, as it is archived there. 

We love being with each other again in person for our Sunday morning Celebrations at 10:30 A.M., as everyone follows CDC recommendations for safety and wellbeing, which includes wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. Our Practitioner of the Day holds a brief meditation at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday in the “Upper Room.” Our topic the first Sunday in January is, “All Directions Point to God.” You may tune in virtually by going to our website. Monday through Friday’s daily “Love Notes” given by Rev. Mike and me, are archived there, as well as past gatherings and upcoming events.

We would love to see you this Friday, December 31st at 6:45 A.M., as we complete the year together in loving and mindful ways, gathering at the Center for a World-Wide Peace Meditation that begins promptly at 7:00, facilitated by Rev. Mike, and followed by breakfast at a nearby restaurant for all the wise people who choose to join us!

You will find our qualified and caring Practitioners and Intern on the Practitioner Page of our website.  Connect with any one of them to help you work through whatever challenges you may be facing or to assist you in realizing your greater dreams.

Let’s wrap up this year with gratitude for gifts received, as we release it with love and enter into a confident sense of cheerful expectancy for what is yet to come.

With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

Dec. 21, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

But the Universal Wholeness cannot be forever subjected, nor Cosmic Love be kept from human form. That which was given must be revealed. The seed of Perfection must burst. The shoots of heavenly planting must break the cords that bind, fanning the human into a blaze Divine.
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, p. 361
This beautiful passage from the chapter, “Finding the Christ” reminds us of the constant Power of Infinite Love that delights us in the revelation of the victorious spirit of Christ in us and Its ultimate manifestation in our lives. As Christmas day draws near, let us open our hearts more completely to the rebirth of the Christ within us all. A New Possibility is born in our lives and in the world when we invite this Divine Presence to shine in and through us, beginning here and starting now.
Our Annual Winter Solstice, “Nurturing Night; Loving the Light” was a heart-lifting, consciousness expanding, and delightful, Light-filled experience for all who attended in person last Saturday. You may experience it from your own home tonight, as it will be streamed at 7:00 P.M. EST and accessed through our website www.cslphilly.orgClick here at 7:00 PM tonight or click on the orange “watch live” button, either at that time or at any time, as it will be archived on the site.
It is so lovely to be with each other again in person for our Sunday morning Celebrations at 10:30 A.M., as everyone follows CDC recommendations for safety and wellbeing, which includes wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. Our Practitioner of the Day holds a brief meditation at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday in the “Upper Room.” Our topic this Sunday is, “A Brilliant, New Possibility.” You also have the option of tuning in virtually by going to our website. Monday through Friday’s daily “Love Notes” given by Rev. Mike and me, are archived there, as well as past gatherings and upcoming events.
We will be continuing Christmas celebration this Sunday, offering a special, virtual visit from the North Pole for the kids and homemade treats to be enjoyed in a socially distanced manner. Let’s complete the year together in loving and mindful ways, including a 6:45 A.M. gathering the Friday, December 31st for a World-Wide Peace Meditation, facilitated by Rev. Mike, and followed by breakfast at a nearby restaurant for all brave souls who choose to join us!
Click on the Practitioner Page of our website to find a qualified and caring Practitioner or Intern who are always ready to work with you in spiritual mind treatment. We provide spiritual tools for any and all human, and challenges, and they are here to help you feel closer to Spirit and to use the Law for your greater good.
May you feel the sweetness of Spirit, and enjoy a Merry and Beautiful Christmas.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

Dec. 14, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Cold and dark are temporary conditions to which we may adapt or about which we may complain, and our choice makes all the difference when it comes to the degree of enjoyment we find in our lives. In most wintry climates at this time, the temperatures are chilly, and the darkness seems interminable. Although small children may wonder if the warmth and light will ever return, adults understand about seasonal cycles and fully expect both to return.
The same is true of unwanted or unpleasant conditions, as the more quickly we lift our attention to the larger picture, the sooner we are able to embrace a new perspective and return to deep faith and great enjoyment. Richard Bach ‘s inspirational quote, “Overcome fear; behold wonder,” reminds us how we may move into a healthy, new mindset and truly begin appreciating the beauty of life.
Please join us this Saturday, December 18th at 7:00 P.M., as we celebrate our Annual Winter Solstice, “Nurturing Night: Loving the Light” at our Center. This will be a beautiful opportunity to invite the Light of Truth to shine through us all and bring delight into our world. We have great presenters of many faiths and fabulous music to lift our spirits and bring us to a higher consciousness of Infinite Possibilities.
We love seeing those of you who join us in person for our Sunday morning Celebrations at 10:30 A.M., everyone following CDC recommendations for safety and wellbeing, which includes wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. Our Practitioner of the Day holds a brief meditation at 10:00 A.M. each Sunday in the “Upper Room.” Our topic this Sunday is, “Into the Darkness with the Light.” You also have the option of tuning in virtually by going to our website, and clicking on the orange “watch live” button to be with us. Monday through Friday’s daily “Love Notes” given by Rev. Mike and me, are archived there, as well as upcoming events and past Celebrations. Our topic this Sunday is, “Into the Darkness with the Light.”
For any situation you may be facing or simply to open your consciousness to greater good, you may click on the Practitioner Page of our website, where Practitioners and a Practitioner Intern are standing by to work with you in spiritual mind treatment. We provide spiritual tools for any and all human problems, and they are here to help you feel closer to Spirit and to use the Law for your greater good. 
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

Dec. 7, 2021: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

In this beautiful and busy time of year, it is wise to remember the words of the Master Teacher, “I, of myself, do nothing. It is the Father within who doeth the work.” Jesus was so aware of God’s Presence within him that he referred to It as, “Father,” or, in ancient Aramaic, “Abba.” As you and I become more consciously aware of this wise and loving Indwelling Presence, we, too, may allow It to move through us and accomplish wonders in our everyday activities, and we turn often to the very Source of Life.
As we enter more deeply into the Center of our hearts, which are held tenderly in the Heart of God, we are able to feel that Divine Embrace and allow It to accomplish everything by means us. We truly are designed to be open instruments for the healthy expression of joy and wellbeing. Each day can become easier, sweeter, and more successful when we follow Emerson’s recommendation: “Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits!”
We begin our Sunday morning Celebrations in person at 10:30 A.M., following CDC recommendations for everyone’s safety and wellbeing, including wearing masks indoors and staying socially distanced. You also have the option of tuning in virtually by going to our website,  and clicking on the orange “watch live” button to be with us. Upcoming events and past Celebrations, as well as archived Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me are also found on the website. If you come in person, you may enjoy a brief meditation time with our Practitioner of the Day at 10:00 A.M. in the “Upper Room.” Our topic this Sunday is, “Moved by Grace.”
On the Practitioner Page of our website, you will find caring and effective Practitioners and a Practitioner Intern who will assist you in working through any challenges you may be experiencing. We provide spiritual tools for any and all human problems, and they are here to help feel closer to Spirit and to use the Law for your greater good.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine