Monthly Archives: May 2022

May 31, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The birth of the soul into the light of Spirit is an awakening to the realization that God has been with us all the time.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 503
No matter the phase of life in which we find ourselves, we understand that we have never been, no could we ever be, outside the Life of God. We have a Divine Companion accompanying us every step of our spiritual journey, as we grow, mature, and evolve into that which we truly are: Living Centers of Divine Activity. This process of awakening is shared by all, and, as each of us becomes more deeply aware of our divine nature, we shine a Light of Truth which inspires others to become more alive and aware.
The constant within the multitudinous changes within each person’s life experience is the Presence of God and the Principle of Sowing and Reaping. We may absolutely depend upon the Love and the Law, no matter how we grow and change physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Underlying it all is the Infinite Life of the Divine, and it is our Life to live.
We begin a new month this Sunday, with June’s theme being, “Seasons of Living.” my   livestreamed talk at 10:30 A.M., from the Inspiration Café  will be, “Born and Reborn.”  As you go to our website and click on the orange button, you will be directed to either Facebook or YouTube to watch the Morning Celebration. Previous Celebrations and our Love Notes are also posted there.
Although we continue deepening our skills in utilization the Universal Creative Power to enhance our lives, there are times when we do well to engage a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner, one trained in the art and science of Spiritual Mind Treatment, to assist us in working through any challenges we are facing or simply to deepen our recognition of the Presence within us. Our dedicated, licensed Practitioners are available to you to lift you into a greater sense of Reality, and you will find them listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Select whomever you feel a connection with, and call or email them to set up an appointment, in person or on line.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

May 24, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

The imagination is creative, the will is directive. ~Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind, p. 193
“Imagination” is an extremely important part of Co-Creation, as it is the warmth and feeling within our spiritual mind treatment that fuels the process and allows us to envision its successful completion. Add to this the clear, correct use of “will,” which maintains our focus on that which we are ready to manifest, and we have directed our attention correctly, and we can await the result with “cheerful expectancy” (a la Thomas Troward!)
As we deepen and expand our ability to use the Power for Good for greater and greater Good, we discover the real delight that accompanies our creativity. There is tremendous satisfaction and joy in watching beauty and truth unfold in our lives and in the greater world itself. When we understand that it is our divine destiny to be instruments through which God may create, we also become aware that, right where we are, the Entirety of the Divine exists. Are we the instruments, or are we the Essence Itself?
Join us this Sunday, as Rev. Mike and I share the podium to wrap up the month of May’s topic, “The Joy of Co-Creation,” as we have the fun of presenting a “He Said/She Said” talk at 10:30 A.M., live streamed from the Inspiration Café at 10:30 A.M. As you go to our website and click on the orange button, you will be directed to either Facebook or YouTube to watch the Morning Celebration. Previous Celebrations and our Love Notes are also posted there.
Although we continue deepening our skills in utilization the Universal Creative Power to enhance our lives, there are times when we do well to engage a Licensed Religious Science Practitioner, one trained in the art and science of Spiritual Mind Treatment, to assist us in working through any challenges we are facing or simply to deepen our recognition of the Presence within us. Our dedicated, licensed Practitioners are available to you to lift you into a greater sense of Reality, and you will find them listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Select whomever you feel a connection with, and call or email them to set up an appointment, in person or on line.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

May 17, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Howard Thurman
The more authentically we experience our Oneness with the Divine Source and the more deeply we understand the Law of Mind, the more beautifully our lives unfold. We have the freedom, not only to reveal Spirit through our personal wholeness, love, creativity, and abundance, but also to discover the delight of lifting others along the way.
Today, Rev. Mike and I have the pleasure of attending our Mainline Ministerium Meeting, grateful for the caring and compassionate clergy members who are committed to do good work for our larger community, whether they are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or follow any other spiritual path. We respect and appreciate them and consider many of them good friends.
It is finding and living from the Authentic Self that we discover the infinite possibilities that exist or us and for all beings. Let’s find what brings a smile to our hearts and a greater sense of aliveness, then bring those gifts to the world, as we journey along our unique paths.
Tune in this Sunday, as Rev. Mike speaks about, “Embarking on the Great Adventure.”  We live stream from the Inspiration Café at 10:30 A.M., so just go to our website and click on the orange button. Previous Celebrations and our Love Notes are also posted there.
We are grateful for our dedicated group of licensed Practitioners of Religious Science who are always ready to work with you in resolving questions, dissolving problems, or evolving greater consciousness of Unity for all. You will find them listed on the Practitioner Page of our website. Whomever you select will offer clear, compassionate guidance and powerful affirmative prayer in guiding you through any experience.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

May 10, 2022: From the Pen of Dr. Maxine

You live in an expanding Universe; you are a microcosm within the macrocosm, and the same creative process that operates through the Universe operates through all its parts. Your awareness 0f this truth is your point of access to the principle of abundance. ~ Dennis Merritt Jones, The Art of Abundance, p. 53
How wonderful it is to learn and work with the Universal, Intelligent, Creative Process, which is readily available to all of us, the moment we become aware of It. There is every reason to invite this wholesome and expansive Power to bring our consciousness to a higher place of Peace and Plenty, Love and Creativity, and True Success in every area of our lives.
Tonight, we begin the first of five Zoom classes on “The Art of Abundance,” based on Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones’ book by the same name. Dr. Jones succeeds in addressing the need for the world to develop a new perspective with regard to what gives meaning and value to life, as he explains simple, successful ways to become open to experiencing boundless wholeness and abundance in life.
As we learn to work as effective co-creators with the Gracious Giver of Good, using the Law of Mind intelligently and lovingly, we enhance, not only our own experiences, but those of the world itself. We are all connected, and as I recently heard, “We are not all in the same boat. We are all in the same sea: some in yachts, some in rowboats, and some in canoes.” We truly have the opportunity to choose the vessels through which we move through each day and may select a vehicle more suitable to our raised consciousness.
This Sunday, I’ll be focusing on, “Awakening to Life; Aligning With Joy,” inviting us all to use The Power for Good in this Universe to co-create with delight a glorious and prospering world that truly is available to everyone. Join us every Sunday Morning, as we livestream from the Inspiration Café at 10:30 A.M. Go to our website and click on the orange Watch Live button. Previous Celebrations and Love Notes from Rev. Mike and me are also posted there.
Whenever you require the support of a trained, licensed Practitioner of Religious Science, simply check out our eight, wonderful men and women on the Practitioner Page of our website. Whomever you select will offer clear, compassionate guidance and powerful affirmative prayer in guiding you through any experience.
With great love and respect,
Dr. Maxine

May, 2022: BoT SPOT

Welcome to GPCSL’s May BoT SPOT!

It’s for World Peace!
This Saturday morning, (May 7th, 10:00 AM ET) our community has an opportunity to come together in a special ceremony dedicated to Peace. A meditative walk for peace at the beautiful labyrinth at St. Peter’s Church in the Great Valley, facilitated by our community member and certified Veriditas Labyrinth facilitator, Jane Marie Downey…on World Labyrinth Day!
When we began planning this event, the weather was of course a consideration. Current forecast says temperature in the 50’s and rain. Personally, I am reminded of my husband and I participating in a motorcycle ‘toy run’ for 20 plus years. It is always held on the first Sunday in November…and we have had some interesting weather conditions over those years! Leaving at 8:00 AM in less than desirable riding temperatures on our motorcycle along with friends on theirs, we remind each other, “It’s for the kids!!!” through our chattering teeth.
While I had hoped (and treated) for a meditative labyrinth walk on a sunny Saturday morning, it is looking like the Universe has other plans. Perhaps it’s Its way of reminding me, “It’s for World Peace!” and to dress accordingly.
We hope you will join us and afterwards, perhaps, we can warm-up at an informal lunch nearby together!

Click here for all the details!

In gratitude,

Edie Janik

President, GPCSL Board of Trustees,