Welcome to April’s BoT Spot!
While it may be Spring, and the renewal of life is evident in the emerging greenery and colorful blossoms, each of us walks through these days tending to our own “garden of stuff”. What I mean by that is life brings us challenges in various forms no matter what time of year it is. Science of Mind principles serve as valuable tools in the face of these challenges, as does our GPCSL community. I hope you don’t mind if I share a few personal examples…
Spring 2003: A child I care for deeply, as if she was my own, needed emergency surgery for an appendicitis infection. Additional, somewhat scary in my opinion, measures were needed to stem the infection. Mother and I were beyond scared and immobilized with fear. We called the minister at the time of GPCSL for support and treatment from the hospital hallway. Peace overcame us as he spoke to us, and when we returned to the room, our baby was smiling, laughing, and receiving her natural state of wellness. We knew from that point on, all was going to be ok…and it was.
Spring 2006: our maiden voyage on sailing vessel, “Jean Marie”. Small craft advisory in place that we, as novice sailors, were unaware of…but there we were setting off into the Delaware River on our way to Chesapeake Bay. Waters were rough; sailboat was broaching. I was crippled with fear. But then, I remembered the most basic and fundamental Truths: “All is well”. Science of Mind teaches that great good, balance, peace, power (all things I wanted in that moment) and more, are as close as our breath as long as we open our minds and hearts to that Reality. End result: we completed our journey safely and enjoyed a hearty “belly bump” when we arrived at our destination.
Spring 2009: a lesson in prosperity: I was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed…mentally, physically, and emotionally – With the help of our teaching, I recognized I held a belief that prosperity was only achieved through uncompromisingly hard work, excessive hours of labor and that I was destined to struggle (adopted beliefs from my upbringing and environment). I took a class at GPCSL on prosperity. It totally changed my perspective and as a result, I began to experience greater prosperity while also enjoying greater work-life balance. Everything shifted in a fun and newly welcomed direction.
Spring 2021: (This one is a little harder for me to write about) My brother had been experiencing pain in his stomach. I was on my way to take him to get help, but I didn’t get there before his passing. After calling 911, I called my husband. The next call I made was to our GPCSL minister. Her compassion, support, and treatment were, in that moment and the days that followed, tremendously impactful, bringing me great comfort and “off the rails”.
I know there are people in our community, and elsewhere, that are dealing with grief, loss, pain, significant change, and concern. Our minister, practitioners, board, and members support them in various ways and always with treatment, knowing peace, ease, grace, healing, and the best of all possible outcomes.
Your engagement in the Center’s activities and sharing of your time, talent, and treasure, help us experience Spirit’s truth individually and touch others’ lives in a life affirming and impactful way. Whether it be inviting a friend to an event, sharing a Sunday Celebration online, or passing along a Love Note…you might just be introducing someone to something that will help them find a deeply felt appreciation for the life all around us, as well as a way to stay connected to the Spirit living in and through us, in every moment…and in every season.
Thank you for allowing me to share by your reading this through to the end! My intention is to let those who are not feeling very Spring-like today know they are loved, as well as highlight the positive power of this teaching and community. The impact (and benefit) you and I have as members of this community is meaningful. We want to thank you for all that you do to help the Center continue to be a beacon of Light for our community and others.
Check out the variety of events and classes described above. Dive in and invite others to join you. You’ll be glad you did!
With gratitude and great love,
Edie Janik
GPCSL Board President